The Lab for Art – collection rani nikolas - Nikolas art Athens

Everybody knows the scientific laboratories of the chemists, physicists or biologists. However, what is my lab of art?

In my art studio I work like in a scientific laboratory. I'm experimenting for over 20 years with art and creativity, with materials, forms, colours and painting technologies, with photography and digital image editing. Or with decorating, painting of furniture and much more. Go to the limits - exceeding the limits. The fruits of my labour are art and decorative items.

For my paintings I work with acrylic and oil colours, with self-made colours, with pencil and coloured pencils as well as with charcoal. I paint on paper, canvas, wood, ceramic, glass and cloth (batik painting), with paintbrush or airbrush technology. I sell originals as well as art prints.

My ceramics are handmade and hand-painted by myself. Every piece is a unique original.

My vitraux works are unique specimens as well. They are professionally composed of high-quality materials.

Outside my art lab I artistically advise companies and private customers on decorating and interior design of rooms, apartments, business premises, hotels, stores, restaurants, etc.

Professional basic and advanced training courses in arts, in Greece and abroad, longstanding professional experience and personal creativity are the basis of my artistic activities.


Paintings - collection rani nikolas

 Gallery Paintings - collection rani nikolas




Ceramics - collection rani nikolas

 Gallery Ceramics - collection rani nikolas



Vitraux - collection rani nikolas

 Gallery Vitraux - collection rani nikolas

 Gallery All collection rani nikolas